how are you? ohh it has been such a long time i haven't post anything :O
time is running so fast here in CaLi [kiffant de pouvoir dire ca] _its crazy haha.
i have like 5 weeks left and then CamiL is gonna come _ yaaaaaY. Ohhh life here is really awesome but i'm missing a lot my BFF [haha] Marinee & CamiL. sooon soon sooon!!!!! WHouuuuuuu!!!
here are some pictures_i havent a computer so its difficult for me to do some posts :S actually i had to take eva's [one of my really good friend here in San Diego_CaLi] pictures because i could't upload mine_and I have most of the pictures... anywau, So thats whY i dont have a lot _and some of them aren't that good but who cares right_haha ?? i still got the chance to show you guys a little bit of my "world" here in CaLifornia. <3

oceanside. CA.
haha liKe a chinese girl :D¸
ahhhh. j'ai vraiment galerer avec ce post, parce que tout d'abord je l'ai fait sur un Sony [et non un macbook, haha] et deuxiement parce que je l'ai fait avec un clavier canadien-americain _ce que fait que toutes les touches sont inverséééé_hahaha mais ce qu'on se marre.
Anyway_ i hope you'll enjoY.
hug depuis la CaLii <3
MéLii [CamiL, Marinee]
ps. CamiL et Marinee OMG j'ai trooop Kiffé [Neuch part 1_2] tellement Styléééé!!!!
Great pics! Have fun!