lundi 28 novembre 2011

mercredi 23 novembre 2011

The NY Ballet

sunny and funny daY.
now it's juSt a memorY.

MéLii, CamiL, [Marinee]

vendredi 18 novembre 2011

dimanche 13 novembre 2011

one afternoon in CentraL parK


    already the end of The weeK end...

MéLii, CamiL [Marine]

mercredi 9 novembre 2011

daY.looK in New YOrk

guYs, un day lOok qui date encore de Neeeew YOrk <3

becoS [ps. c'est soOn le weeeK end -yay!!!]

MéLii, CamiL [Marine]

mardi 8 novembre 2011

!!The other days

And so here are pictures from the other days..
I let you apreciate them..

lundi 7 novembre 2011

made in italY.

I show you a few pictures from my holidays in Italy..

It was awesome: The weather was great almost all the three days, the villages were (and are always) colourful,
poeple were so great (even if I didn't speak to them so much).... One word : Awesome


It was the first afternoon in Monterosso and unfortunatly the weather wasn't so great. But you'll see!! ;-)
Big Hug

M [C-M]

dimanche 6 novembre 2011

new york 2o11

OUr first day in the city that never sleeps . haha. <3

a m a z i n g 
CamiL, MéLii [Marine]